
Communication is very important in any classroom. On this page, you will find current news, our classroom newsletters, upcoming events, and important dates.

Thursday 8/1/2019

The syllabi for my Geometry and Algebra classes are now available for download. All of my students should be taking home a copy on 8/1/19. I would like the signed copies returned no later than 8/9/19. If, at any time you need to access the syllabus, feel free to download a copy. Thank you.


Tuesday 7/31/2018

I have added a separate calendar for each class.These are guidelines for the month to come and it may change depending on how each class progresses. It will be updated no less than once a week to ensure accuracy with actual classroom proceedings. Below the Calendar you will see a list of events. These "events" describe the content of that days lessons and any handouts which may have been given.  I will do my best to keep this Calendar up to date. As always, feel free to contact me with any questions.

So that things don't get too busy, I only keep two months worth of calendars, for each class, up on the website at any given time. However, I keep archived copies, so if you ever need anything that doesn't appear on the current calendar, please let me know, I will have a copy to give you. 

Tuesday 7/31/2018

While I will make any handouts/worksheets available in pdf on the monthly calendars, we will be using cornell notes throughout the year. I will work to make them available in the classroom, however, I have also attached the two we will use here. 

Downloads: c-notes graph.pdf | c-notes blank.pdf